About The Archive

This photo archive was started in January 2001 in the hope that the early family history of the Gunn family in the US could be shared with family all over the world. The pictures are archived here by webmaster John Crosby and his wife Elizabeth Gunn Crosby. The content of the website, including pictures and commentary, are the results of painstaking hours of work by Rosemary Weatherholt (Elizabeth's Aunt Rosie) both in research and in getting the photos to us.

The site is currently here on free web space at 50megs.com. All the ad banners at the top of the page belong to them, and noone associated with this site can vouch for the ads except the owners of 50megs.com. If anyone would care to donate banner-free webspace, please contact the webmaster.

The captions and associated comments are Aunt Rosie's.

Captions tend to be refrenced in some relation to Elizabeth. Sorry about that.. but it's a consiestent frame of refrence. For those that don't know, she is David Gunn's and Inge Gritzan Gunn's daughter, and Rosie's niece.    

Please take the time to enjoy the gallerys and a slice of American history. we're glad you stopped by!