Charles and Babara (Fitchner) Gunn 1918
This is (Elizabeth's) Great Grandparents on the Gunn side!
Ed and Theresa Schwartz Gunn-Marvin-Mildred and Charlene--Circa 1924
Grandfather and Grandmother, Uncle Bud, Aunt Mildred and Aunt Charlene sitting on Grandmothers lap. She died with Diptheria when she was five years old.
Edward Gunn 1898-1988
(Elizabeth's) Grandfather on Gunn side!
(note: Dad wasn't in the Army-that must have been Uncle Clarances
uniform! Aunt Rosie)
Nicholas and Mary Fischer Schwartz
This is (Elizabeth's) Great-Great-Grandparents on the Schwartz side!!
Mary was born
in Switzerland and he in Prussia! Aunt Rose
Wyatt S. Gunn & brother Columbus Gunn
Great-Great Grandfather Wyatt Gunn and brother Columbus Gunn. Columbus died 1859 at St. Louis, Missouri of nephritius while serving in the army, his unit being noted as the Perry Rifles at the starting of the Civil War. He is buried in the Jefferson Barracks National Cemetary there in St. Louis.( I would love to go there sometime! I have pictures of his grave!.) Aunt Rose